Q: Is there a way to decrease the chance of a
Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction when planning to take antimicrobial drugs or herbs?
Cowden’s Answer: Nutramedix Burbur 8 drops plus Nutramedix Pinella
8 drops in 1/4 cup of water every 15 minutes for 1 hour then 4 times daily for
a few days before starting the bug killers often helps prevent a Herxheimer.
After starting the antimicrobials, the doses could be repeated every 15 minutes
for 1-2 hours if Herxheimer occurs. Lying on your back pretending to pedal
a bicycle in the air off and on for 10 minutes will drain the lymphatics. Dairy
products & wheat/gluten-grain products clog the lymphatics, so should be
Does clogging the lymphatics apply to raw dairy as well?