Saturday, March 23, 2013

Frequent Severe Headaches

Q:  What should someone do if they are having frequent severe headaches but no other neurological symptoms?

Dr Cowden's Answer:  Since unrecognized food allergies are the trigger for over 80% of headaches, I suggest you:
- Eat only one food per meal & only eat things that are rarely eaten (pizza is 10-15 foods & not one food).  
- Eat foods on a 4-day rotation until headache-free for at least 2 weeks.  
- Follow this process: Do Stress Reduction Techniques for 4 minutes before every meal & before every bedtime, take the resting pulse rate after the 4 minutes of stress reduction, then eat the one food, sit quietly at the table for another 15 minutes after finishing that meal & take the pulse rate again. If the pulse rises more than 14 beats per minute, that food is an allergen & should not be eaten again until the headaches have been resolved for at least 2 weeks.  If the pulse rate rises 10-14 beats per minute, the food is a possible allergen & can be left off until well or can be tried as one more meal 4 days later.  

If the headaches persist a week after the last pulse rate rise on this 4-day rotational diet, then a physician exam is indicated (as well as a possible brain scan) to exclude the possibility of a brain tumor.

Many of these techniques & principles used by me & other integrative medicine doctors to help patients get well, when allopathic medicine fails, are described in video courses on the website for the Academy (